Next up in my little video bag of tricks, I set up this green screen in the attic. You can see my test footage here
Production Notes
An old nerd goes public
A few weeks ago,at the media organization where I work, I showed the features editor some of my comics videos. She asked me if I could write something for the newspaper, and I said yes and I dashed off this article, which appeared on page E4 of the Maine Sunday Telegram today alongside some great photos by my friend Gabe Souza, who crawled up in the attic in the heat after last week’s show. If that story brought you here, welcome! The real action is over at You Tube and Facebook.
Episode X – I love the ’80’s and Atari Force
I had a couple of production enhancements with Episode 10. I was buying some new jeans and decided to wander down to the toy store (Hunt’s Photo). They had a diffuser for my main light. I had considered buying one online, but this was instant gratification.
I experimented with using my condenser microphone and wiring it right in, but I didn’t think the sound was any better than the wireless lavaliere that I have been using. I sounded a little off-mic. I might have to find a wired lav mic.
Also I turned off the auto exposure and set it based on my monitor image. I think I might have gone just a shade dark, though. On my old Canon XL-1S there was a histogram feature that made setting the exposure pretty simple. I wish I had the HD version of that, but I don’t have five grand to spend. Anyway, I hope you like the video. Let me know if its too dark in the youtube comments or on the Facebook page.