After my big article in the Sunday newspaper.

In case you missed it, last Sunday an article I wrote about my comic book collection and my YouTube show appeared in the Sunday newspaper. I explained how it came about in a prior post, but the short version is I work at the newspaper. I linked to the web version in that post. If you want to see what it looked like in the newspaper click here for a pdf. The pictures were taken right after I did Episode X3

On the web article, they embedded first Episode X3, which I didn’t think was the best one ever, both because of how hot it was, and also because of the noisy microphone. Later on Sunday, I uploaded a new episode, X4, which I thought was better and I had completed just that day. So between the debut of X4, and the article in the paper, plus the upload of a new 40 second-ish channel promo, made out of pieces of X4, I had 120 views last Sunday. The highest I’ve ever had in a single day prior to that was 57.

I picked up seven YouTube subscribers in the three days Sunday-Tuesday. At least some of them came from the newspaper article.

I posted the link to my Facebook page and got 50 likes.

The newspaper article listed the URL to this page (, which got 55 pageviews on Sunday, and 19 more on Monday, when the paper posted on Facebook and linked to the web version of the article. That was up from the almost no pageviews this site gets regularly. My old site, gets way more (30-50 a day) and I barely ever touch it.

I had a lot of people tell me how they enjoyed the article, for which I thank them. I had a couple of people where I do business often say things like, “I didn’t know you collected comics!” and then tell me about their own comic book experiences.

All in all, it was a pretty positive experience, and I know everyone will forget about it in a month, so that’s cool too.